You had a wonderful time all b... Help the cute little panda to break out from the circus. But, while you were wondering around,... Click thoroughly through each scene as you grab items to aid you in this point and click adventure. No... You're working in an ICS Computer Laboratory. A humble monkey was living in a beautiful and gorgeous village. Good luck and happy... You've been staying in a friend's Little Wooden Hut for the weekend. We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you ... G2J Villa Room Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Search different items at the screen using given names and object descriptions. Escape your captors. The guards ar... You and some friends decided to explore the old brewery. Trapped inside a radical room, you need to escape and fast. You were travelling all by yourself with your canoe when you were stranded far away on a Spooky Isla... Hoger the Pirate landed on Lost Island. It's time to... You woke up in a Wooden Basement. There was a terrible palace in the forest. These new escape games covers the variety of games girls games and kids games too.The collection of games in these new escape games are the very best online games under escape game … We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you should not like ... G4K Ardent Lion Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. There is no case she took that she didn't find the answer to. There was a magnificent palace in a beautiful forest. In this game, you need to find a clue to solve the ... Undead Survival Escape is the 71st free room escape games where you need to survive from a zombie house. The beautiful vacation you spend in a nice chalet house is over but unfortunately you've lost your r... You were on a trip and you forgot to refuel your car's tank so now you've stopped at a spooky dark p... You're all alone, trapped in a paradise island named Atlantis. Good... Help the hero to escape the dungeons swarming with zombies. As with most adventure games, your goal is to literally click on everything and anything. Enjoy playing interesting Free Room Escape Games. Sheep and lamb lived in a terrible palace. If you know what you’re doing, you can finish it really quickly. The dated b... You were for fishing on the lake and when you finished, you left your pole in the small fishing sha... You were browsing at the old staff piled in your grandfather's attic in an attempt to remember the... You have exams and you visited the library to read your courses quietly. Smooth cartoon graphics. Help Tom to interact with objects in order to f... Help a teen guy to propose his girlfriend. Look around searching items for the pug and he will lead... Help the little Christmas elf to break out from the trap and save the Christmas! In that fore... G2J Beach Park Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Escape from the giants place located deep in the forest by finding useful objects and solving the pu... You were visiting an archaeologist in his office when you realized that you've got locked inside hi... You're all alone, trapped inside Mont St Michel! A scurry raccoon lived in a forest near a palace. You must be exha... You rented a gorgeous modern house but you got yourself locked up inside by accident. Can you find a way to escape in this point-... Do you think that you can escape from Sneaky House? Top Categories. Trapped inside a dark cave, you need to find all the clues and objects hidden inside and solve the p... Use your noggin to figure out the puzzles that keep you trapped. Enjoy playing Escape Game Halloween here at! Master Chess Multiplayer. Look around to find objects and clu... You remember this situation, don't you! Don't get frightened as ghosts appear. The border between point and click adventure and escape games is really thin. It’s just a nice little house. Play escape game little and have fun. 1.23K 76. On you can find all type of escape games for all kind of people! There's no need to download them, fell free to visit our web page unlimited times! Games4King - G4K Scurry Raccoon Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. We've got a huge collection of escape games ready for you to play for free in your browser window. Play. The Escape Game Remote Adventures. You are a professional diver doing some serious diving in the north p... G2M Jinxed village escape is another point and click game developed by 8bGames /Games2Mad. The zombie apocalypse has begun. Trapped inside the gorgeous V8 Hotel you need to escape and fast. Escape from the ship harbor by finding useful objects around in order to go on an expedition in the... Jerry the mouse locked Tom the cat inside the house. Explore game area, pick up items, Pay attention to clues, solve puzzles. Walk through the creepy hallways in this scary escape game. Play the best escape games online right now! You visited this amazing modern Blue Room and when you tried to leave, you realized that the door is... Help the panda to complete a bigger adventure this time by interacting with objects around him. Solve different puzzles and collect all the numbers to open... G4K Humble Monkey Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. Solve the puzzles to find the way to escape from the spooky abandoned mansion! Escape the room is a sub-genre of adventure and puzzle game. All the puzzles in the New escape games will make you feel anxious while solving them and excited after solving them. The beginning is usually the same: you wake up in a strange room and it turns out that you've been locked in! Grab coins, jump on rats and solve math problems to unlock doors and... Use the ticket to get inside the puppet show, talk to people, play cards and look around to find clu... Help the prince to find and rescue the princess who has been kidnapped for ransom. View more results. You are stuck inside a surreal nightmare. The forest was beautiful. Escape THE GAME, a free online Adventure game brought to you by Armor Games. You are trapped in the alien battleship again! Pharaoh’s Tomb Escape Game You are trapped in an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's tomb. It's your 9th birthday and everybody's there: grandpa, your parents, the cat, everybody. But for those looking for a virtual experience (or if you want to play with friends and family who live far away), the company created Remote Adventures, a live … This guy, our hero, was thrown into the prison because he was found guilty of robbery! As a relatively short game, it pioneers a lot of the staples of the genre. Explore whole area and try to find some useful clues to escape from... Anita is a true detective. You can't reme... Is this room escape going to be easy for your sanity? The player must solve some difficult puzzles and use them with objects to find a way out from a different mysterious places. We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you should not like ... Alien Battleship 2 is fun point and click escape games online by 365 escape games. The Monthly Mystery is part online scavenger hunt, part mystery game, and it’s 100% free! Solve puzzles to escape from the house filled... You are locked up in an abandoned prison all by yourself. The last thing that you remember is that you were fast asleep in your bed. Shooting. In this game you must search for items and clues to escape the room. Traditional Living Room is another point and click escape game developed by Find items spre... A point and click adventure of finding the right objects to click and in the right order to progress. Play Massive Multiplayer Online Games! A grandma witch lives in a terrible palace. Leave different closed places by exploring their surroundings. Hunting Games. Subway Clash 3D. Locked up inside a caravan, you need to escape. Our unblocked addicting Escape games are fun and free. Room escape games are a sub-genre of adventures and puzzles, usually created as a free online game. You traveled all the way there after the disaster to see for yourself what ra... You are trapped in this forest. Desert Camp Escape. Good luck! Now, you found yourself t... Advance through the factory and unravel its mysteries. Something bad has happened, Antman is ... Secret Laboratory Escape is the 73rd free room escape games where you're stucked into a messy situation in a secret laboratory. Learn the importance of a well-placed question and how to solve a puzzle, a mystery or even an entire room from where we need to escape. First-Person Shooter. Mysterious Stranger in Ghostland is a fun point and click hidden object game where you played as a private investigator who is trying to solve the mystery of strange dreams. But when you tried to exit, y... You were invited into a friend's house for the weekend and the next morning you found yourself trapp... Time to send another soul back to hell. Escape games are exciting adventure games that require detective skills to escape a room or building. Imagine that you went to a girl house as a babysitter. Some of them are categorized as room escape games but the goal is different to the classic ones, like getting into somewhere or helping an animal escape from a cage. Escape Pink Room. In this game, you are trapped inside a house with full of puzzles in a s... Ice Diving Escape is the 70th free room escape games where you are trapped under the frozen sea of Iceland. You find yourself in an abandoned building and you're waiting desp... Find evidence of ghosts occupying the spooky dark house and escape as fast as you can. Explore rooms and solve puzzles in this great looking cartoon escape game with a story to match. Do yo... You are called to investigate the spooky house in the 666 South Street. You had a wonderful time but unfortunatel... You're trapped inside the Predjama Castle. It’s a good thing escaping from real prison didn’t happen this fast! Figure out how to escape this stinky prison cell by solving mini puzzles. Something or someone is lurking in the dark corners. You have to find the way to escape by finding useful objects, hints and sol. The room usually consists of a locked door, different objects to manipulate as well as hidden clues or secret compartments. The front door is locked and... Repair the dream machine and restore peace to the world.. You were exploring the castle when the guards spotted you. In this game, you came to do some research in Desert ruined town. G4K Exercise Lion Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. You have to find the way to escape. It is your responsibility to save the scurry raccoon there. While you are trapped into a lab, no one else see... Cockroach House Escape is the 72nd free room escape games where you need to escape from a dirty house that full of cockroach! Trapped between two parallel worlds-Abandoned! Escape camp to get a little love on with your latest boo in Escape the Camp, Sherlock your way out of a picturesque parlor in Victorian Room Escape, or just help more Mimou the cat make it out of the dryer alive. Escape from the modern luxury house by finding useful objects and solving puzzles in order to discov... Lost in a forest you need to find useful objects and solve puzzles in order to escape and fast. You have to gather all clues that will eventually help you escape... Help the office worker to break his routine and find the perfect place for vacation. Solve puzzles, discover important objects that will help you eventually to Escape From Jay. Can you help h... You find yourself trapped inside a space station and you have to escape this dark place. You can play thousands of free online games including action, life, puzzle, skill and sports games. You've studied for hours a... Help the brave knight to find the exit in this underground dangerous dungeons! Of course, there are many other reasons why we should play room escape games and that’s why we are inviting you to discover them by yourselves. He stood... You spent so much time at the pet shop that you don't remember how you fell asleep! There were a few houses in a giant village surrounded by darkness... Games2Jolly - G2J Discover The Farmers Money is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Click on the correct path to get the soldier to perform the actions you want. Seit Mai 2020 unterstützen wir ein besonderes Hilfs- und Unterstützungsangebot für betroffene Familien und alle Menschen, die mit dem Tabu-Thema „Kinder und Sterben“ konfrontiert werden: das OSKAR Sorgentelefon. When you went there; he got elated ... G4K Rat Escape With Cheese Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. Start by picking your theme – from a 1950’s prison to deep space, or even a classic art heist – then team up to follow clues, solve puzzles, and complete your mission in under 60 minutes! ... Creepy Basement Escape: Episode 2. Desert Ruined Town Escape. Next to the alien is a scrambled word and a picture. The greatest adventure of man starts at home. Let the discovery begin! Trapped inside the firefighters station, you need to find useful objects to put out the fire and the... Afro Ninja returns with a fresh dish of escapery. The adventures of Kevin continues. Das Online Escape Game von bluebird verspricht Spannung, Spaß und Team-Erlebnis – jetzt komplett virtuell aus dem Homeoffice. An escape game that takes you into a Traditional Living Room. Fireboy and Watergirl: The Forest Temple. Locked inside a mysteriously empty hospital, you need to escape. Save your favorite games. About This Game "Tales of Escape" is a series of 6 person multiplayer escape room adventures for virtual reality or desktop pc! Boy Room Escape. Play Escape Games on Hooda Math. Can you solve them to gain freedom? Escaping Games. You had the most amazing vacation... Help the squirrel to escape this strange world as fast as you can and save him from the mushroom. When y... You had an accident and woke up in a gloomy hospital. is a game everyone can relat... You traveled in Europe and more specifically in France You visited the old medieval city of Arles en... You're all alone, locked inside the Military Hospital Beelitz! Look around for items and combine some of them t... You spent your vacation in Hilton Bogota Hotel but today when you tried to go outside, you realized... You’re trapped in a ghost town in New York City named Tahawus. Underground Escape is a new point and click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Mouse City. Now you are in the dungeon and have to fi... You were exploring the nearby forest when you discovered a beautiful tree house. Explore the house and try to find object that can help you solve the puzzle. You need to find the way to unlock the exit door. Online Escape Room Details. Look in both parts of the room to find s... You are trapped inside an abandoned spooky house where ghosts live! Interact with other gamers. Good... Point & click on correct items & sometimes in the right order to make your way through. You woke up all alone deep underground. You've end up in the GraveYard, you don't remember how! Thank you so much to everyone for the support of our new games… and please tell your friends! And, as usual, it's a mind-melting bowl of hurt! Enter a reality with parallel worlds! Group size: Minimum 3 people. Imagine that you went to a Boy house to get play with him. Look around and see what you can find to... G4K Sheep And Lamb Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. Most these games include at least one puzzle. This situation is just not healthy. Explore all the cells... Find the way to escape from the prison taking the right decision at right moment. Have Fun! Walk around this creepy place to find the Necromancer's Book and escape. Also try Hooda Math online with your iPad or other mobile device. Arrow Games. G4K Exercise Lion Escape. Games on publishes some of the highest quality games available online, all completely free to play. We strive to build exciting games for groups of players to "escape … Look around to collect clues and objects tha... You were mysteriously brought up in an unknown village. Get as far away as you can from this morbid pl... You were having an incredible weekend staying in the most chic hotel in the city, the Zen hotel. You have a dream.... Today you need to complete it! It's the medieval times and you work as a blacksmith. Escape the office and get to the pub without being seen. We don’t create new game monthly right now, but enjoy some fan favorites from the past below! Explore the Grim Asylum as you find objects and glowing purple lights. Look for the sacks of gold around the river area... You were on vacation in the luxurious Villa Lante Garden! Now, he's lost and he needs to find the way back to his ship... You have found yourself stranded on a mysterious island. That old hospital is closed fo... You're all alone trapped inside an old steel mill factory. After MOTAS, The Crimson Room's launch in 2004 helped further popularize the online escape game genre. The lab assistant just completed his daily tasks in the lab and it was time to leave. Good luck! Also there are a lot of interesting tags you can browse like tower defense games, room escape … When you went there; she got trapped in ... Games2Jolly - G2J Black And White Modern House Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. No upper limit. We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t me... Games2Jolly - G2J Yellow Cat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. The game is full of... G4K Exercise Lion Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. You climbed up in... You were working alone late at night in your office since everyone else have already gone. When: Start all players at once, or let each teams decide a time Time: 45 minutes. That place is abandoned for many years now. Escape from the Royal Palace of Brussels, the official palace of the King and Queen of the Belgians... Rabbit is in a jail cell next to the Mad Hatter. Good luck! Room escape games are a sub-genre of adventures and puzzles, usually created as a free online game. You're have been living there for many years don't... Click around as you help Waldo progress. Get an account and. Room escape games are a great opportunity to try your skills for concentration and focus. He challenging you to play his game. Find objects to help you avoid detection on your mission. God of Wealth has trapped inside a temple about thousand of... Antman Escape The Quantum World is the 74th free room escape games where you need to help Antman to escape from the mystery quantum world. Play. You were travelling with friends... As a student in Redford High School, you discovered that everyone left including the janitor. As you try to make your escape in your new truck, it broke down. Escape from Chernobyl. These games might be tricky sometimes, so be prepared. Solve puzzles and escape! Have fun! You will see an alien waiting to cross a gap in the road. Your touring group left you in the middle of the site se... You need to find your way through the mist. Locked inside Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital you got to escape and fast. You have to explore all those worlds in an attempt to find you... Lead your villagers as they solve all new puzzles and hidden mysteries of the west shores of the is... Yepi's peaceful planet has been invaded by aliens, and his dear girlfriend has been kidnapped! Point and click your way through the levels.... Lost in a wasteland, it pays off to be resourceful. There was a terrible palace in the forest. Can you escape from the bedroom by solving each one of the puzzles in this online game? Explore the Grim Asylum as you find objects and glowing purple lights. They are free; they are fun and very educational, and also appropriate for players of all ages. Choose your character and guide him or her through rooms in Hampton Court Palace. Escape game, is a type of point-and-click adventure game which requires a player to escape from a place, house or room by utilizing the objects in that surroundings. Find clues in the r... Help the alien escape each scene as you click on items around. We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you should not like ... G2J Farmers Tractor Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. You awoke in a very strange and dark place, and you don't have idea how did you get there, the only... You had a nice flight where you were asleep all the way. Room Escape Games. Being very curious to see how a painter's atelier is from the inside, one day, you decided to enter... You're a prisoner in the state's jail. In the Wild West the bandits took the sheriff prisoner when he tried to stop them from robbing the b... Found yourself locked inside a gloomy strange place. Trapped in a house on Halloween night, you must find the way to escape and fast. Room escape games are a sub-genre of adventures and puzzles, usually created as a free online game.; Popular Games; Escaping Games. A roguish squirrel lived in a desolate palace. The roguish squirrel was playin... Games2Jolly - G2J Cute Girl Rescue From Avenue House is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Something tells you that horrific actions... You were visiting the beach for a swim and hopping to enjoy fun time! Play online for free at Kongregate, including Fleeing the Complex, Escape Game - Computer Office Escape, and Cube Escape: The Cave In this game, you are trapped again in a cutaway house. So... You and a friend go inside to explore, then you can't find your friend. Trapped in the 13th floor of an office building, you need to find the way out. Gun. escape as fast as possible. Use the... During the weekend you visited the Skara Brae island. We have a massive selection of best free online escape games! At our core, we believe that escape the room games are just the tip of the immersive real life adventure game iceberg. If you are an escape games lover, come and play on We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you should not like ... G4K Roguish Squirrel Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. An action puzzler of dragging items & stealing clothes to make it passed security checkpoints. Fin... Cutaway House 2 is point and click html 5 escape game presented by 365 Escape. Where: Escape Room Game is a virtual, online team building game that can be played anywhere. Find items in the scene then combine them to aid you in surviving and final... You were at a friend's party for the weekend and you stayed at the guest room. You need to look for objects that wi... You were visiting Santa's palace with a group of visitors and as always, you like to wonder around a... You were studying alone late at night in Saint Joseph Nursing School. In tha... 8b Elated Boy Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 8b Games. You must find a way to escape and enjoy the Halloween festivity. Trapped inside an abandoned haunted palace on Halloween's eve, you have to escape. Nashville-based The Escape Game has 19 locations nationwide (everywhere from Atlanta to San Francisco), and all locations have reopened for in-person games with extra precautions and sanitizing. There was an exercise lion in that pa... G2J The Weasel Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Escape Room Game - Escape Room Game E. Escape Room Game E. Escape Room Game W. Escape Room Game W. Escape Room Game W. Escape Room Game M. Escape Room Game M My Hidden Game.We bring you free online games: escape games, hidden objects games and many others • Our Games • Free Games for Your Site • Submit a Game • Mobile We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Find the way to escape and fast. We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you... Games4King - G4K Grandma Witch Escape Game is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. The elated baby duck wen... Little Room Escape is a fun point and click escape game by 365 Escape. A naughty boy caught a cat and locked-up in cage and ruined the cat's h... MouseCity - Escape Secret Factory is a new point and click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Mouse City.You woke up all alone in a secret factory.