Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. "The Bombing of Dresden," in. Le bombardement de Dresde, qui eut lieu du 13 au 15 février 1945, détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde. At 21:39 the Reich Air Defence Leadership issued an enemy aircraft warning for Dresden, although at that point it was thought Leipzig might be the target. In the case of Dresden, as in many other similar attacks, the hour break in between the RAF raids was a deliberate ploy to attack the fire fighters, medical teams, and military units. "Dresden: The wounds have healed but the scars still show", http://fpp.co.uk/History/General/Dresden/Dr_Neueste_Nachr250105.html, "14 February 1945: Thousands of bombs destroy Dresden", The Fire-bombing of Dresden: An Eyewitness Account, Falsification of statistics: The real TB 47, (vii) Further misuse of figures: refugees, burials, and excavations, "British Bombing Strategy in World War Two", US Strategic Bombing Surveys (European War, Pacific War),(Air University Press, 1987), pages 3 and 12, "Gesellschaft Historischer Neumarkt Dresden "Bürgerbegehren - (Citizen's Request)". Février 1945 : Dresde est une ville ouverte, une ville désarmée où les 25 hôpitaux et les dizaines de centres d'accueil hébergent, nourrissent, réconfortent et soignent tant bien que mal des dizaines de milliers de réfugiés - vieillards, femmes et enfants - de mutilés et de blessés fuyant les "libérateurs" staliniens. På DBA finder du altid et godt tilbud på både nye og brugte varer til salg Dans la ville de Dresde, joyau architectural, s’étaient réfugiés pas moins de 750 000 civils qui avaient fui devant l’invasion de l’armée soviétique et campaient dans les parcs, sur les trottoirs, dans les rues. Des estimations élevées se réfèrent souvent à des déclarations de témoins oculaires qui ne peuvent plus être réexaminées, ainsi qu'à des informations de sources aux motifs divers (parfois négationnistes) : Le bilan finalement admis est de 25 000 morts maximum (dont 18 000 corps identifiés), établi par une commission d'historiens dirigée par Rolf-Dieter Müller et mandatée par la ville de Dresde en 2004-2010[29]. [d] Historian Götz Bergander, an eyewitness to the raids, found no reports on strafing for 13–15 February by any pilots or the German military and police. Attendant des effets déterminants du débarquement de Normandie, les Alliés avaient en effet été surpris par la résistance farouche des Allemands dans la bataille des Ardennes, du 16 décembre 1944 au 25 janvier 1945[9]. Il est possible aussi que les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni aient voulu impressionner l'URSS : ce bombardement a eu lieu quelques jours après la clôture de la conférence de Yalta, et il aurait eu une force dissuasive sur Staline, dans le contexte naissant de la guerre froide. [31] British historian Frederick Taylor mentions a further memo sent to the Chiefs of Staff Committee by Air Marshal Sir Douglas Evill on 1 February, in which Evill states interfering with mass civilian movements was a major, even key, factor in the decision to bomb the city centre. Bottomley's list included oil plants, tank and aircraft factories and the cities of Berlin and Dresden. L’holocauste de Dresde, un crime impuni. Les états-majors pensèrent que la ville servirait de nœud logistique pour ce transfert[4]. L'United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) et la Royal Air Force (RAF) utilisèrent des bombes incendiaires notamment à la thermite [37] Nonetheless, according to some historians, the contribution of Dresden to the German war effort may not have been as significant as the planners thought. Le bombardement de Dresde du 13 & 14 Février 1945, a ,au bas mot causé 135.000 victimes. Alors que les pilotes de l'USAF ne connaissaient généralement pas la ville de Dresde, certains de la RAF connaissaient le caractère artistique et touristique de la capitale de l'ancien Royaume de Saxe (d'où son surnom « Elbflorenz » : la Florence de l'Elbe) concrètement illustré par les manufactures de porcelaine de Saxe, appelée en anglais « Dresden China ». Cookies hjælper os desuden med at få overblik over dit besøg på hjemmesiden. The basket with our twins covered with wet cloths was snatched up out of my mother's hands and we were pushed upstairs by the people behind us. Select Your Cookie Preferences. Dead and dying people were trampled upon, luggage was left or snatched up out of our hands by rescuers. Søgning på “bombardement” i Den Danske Ordbog. Several factors have made the bombing a unique point of contention and debate. Le tout est disponible sur Internet: ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères, bombardements atomiques d'Hiroshima et Nagasaki, LTI-Lingua Tertii Imperii: Notizbuch eines Philologen, Retour sur la destruction de Dresde du 13-14 février 1945, http://www.memoire-net.org/article.php3?id_article=268, « Historical Analysis of the 14-15 February 1945 Bombings of Dresden », prepared by the USAF Historical Division, Research Studies Institute, 1945, https://web.archive.org/web/20140223032027/http://www.hdot.org/en/trial/judgement/11-7.html, http://www.laplumeagratter.fr/2014/02/13/crimes-de-guerre-13-15-fevrier-1945-dresde-le-plus-grand-bombardement-de-lhistoire-documentaire/, http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/heroesvillains/g1/cs3/default.htm, http://www.dresden-dossier1945.de/archivsperrungen.php, http://www.dresden.de/de/leben/stadtportrait/110/ereignisse/03/historikerkommission/02_materialien.php, http://www.kprdd.de/Dresden/Bilder/Rathausturm.htm, http://www.dresden.de/media/pdf/presseamt/Faltblatt_Rathaus.pdf, Directive sur le bombardement de zone du 14 février 1942, Bombardements stratégiques durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Dresde vue de la rive droite de l'Elbe en dessous du pont Auguste, Dresde vue de la rive droite de l'Elbe au-dessus du pont Auguste, Pour tenter d’en finir avec les idées fausses sur Dresde, Opérations aériennes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Bombardements stratégiques alliés contre les ressources pétrolières de l'Axe, Opérations aériennes pendant la bataille de Normandie, Raids aériens japonais des îles Mariannes, Bombardements atomiques d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bombardement_de_Dresde&oldid=176345049, Bataille ou opération aérienne de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Massacre ou atrocité de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Article contenant un appel à traduction en allemand, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article avec une section vide ou incomplète, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Page utilisant une présentation en colonnes avec un nombre fixe de colonnes, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, Portail:Seconde Guerre mondiale/Articles liés, Portail:Forces armées des États-Unis/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. [144] Commenting on this, McKee says: "The standard whitewash gambit, both British and American, is to mention that Dresden contained targets X, Y and Z, and to let the innocent reader assume that these targets were attacked, whereas in fact the bombing plan totally omitted them and thus, except for one or two mere accidents, they escaped". Hence any assistance to the Soviets on the Eastern Front could shorten the war. Frauenkirche: Exceptionnel - consultez 6 542 avis de voyageurs, 3 948 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Dresde, Allemagne sur Tripadvisor. [b] This was a group of Lancasters from Bomber Command's 83 Squadron, No. Elle regorgeait d’œuvres d’art, mais elle était aussi une ville ayant une grande valeur stratégique, car jouant le rôle de nœud de communication. H2X aiming caused the groups to bomb with a wide dispersal over the Dresden area. "[166] Dyson later goes on to say: "Since the beginning of the war I had been retreating step by step from one moral position to another, until at the end I had no moral position at all". It was overdone, it was excessive and is to be regretted enormously," but, "A war crime is a very specific thing which international lawyers argue about all the time and I would not be prepared to commit myself nor do I see why I should. This experience was also used in several of his other books and is included in his posthumously published stories: Armageddon in Retrospect. D'autres considèrent que tous les moyens devaient être utilisés pour mettre fin le plus rapidement à la guerre et en définitive, épargner des vies humaines. Bombardement de Dresde - Le bombardement de Dresde eut lieu du au , selon les principes de la directive du ministère de l'Aviation du gouvernement britannique sur le bombardement de zone du , devenue avec l'USAAF la en 1943. Les bombes incendiaires sont utilisées comme armes de guerre. The only inaccuracy that I found in it is that it does not say that the night attack which produced the holocaust was a British affair. They are centres of communications through which traffic is moving across to the Russian Front, and from the Western Front to the East, and they are sufficiently close to the Russian Front for the Russians to continue the successful prosecution of their battle. "[23] He mentioned that aircraft diverted to such raids should not be taken away from the current primary tasks of destroying oil production facilities, jet aircraft factories, and submarine yards. By this time, ten of the Lancasters were out of service, leaving 244 to continue to Dresden. [13] Der Spiegel writes that, for decades, the Communist government of East Germany promoted the bombing as an example of "Anglo-American terror," and now the same rhetoric is being used by the far right. Dresde 1945 He also reconstructed timelines with the result that strafing would have been almost impossible due to lack of time and fuel. He claims that Winston Churchill's decision to bomb a shattered Germany between January and May 1945 was a war crime. This was a common mix when the USAAF anticipated cloudy conditions over the target. The raids became a symbol of the “terror bombing” campaign against Germany, which was one of the most controversial Allied actions of the war. The story itself is told through the eyes of Billy Pilgrim, a clear stand-in for Vonnegut himself. His book is not only good literature. [16] On 4 March, Das Reich, a weekly newspaper founded by Goebbels, published a lengthy article emphasizing the suffering and destruction of a cultural icon, without mentioning any damage the attacks had caused to the German war effort. 3,0 sur 5 étoiles bon film de guerre. Le chercheur allemand Jörg Friedrich fait état de 40 000 morts[26]. Though no one involved in the bombing of Dresden was ever charged with a war crime, some hold the opinion that the bombing was one. b) le projet Mathildenstrasse, 12 pages, (Anton Tuch) avec l'étude d'une rue comme exemple; What they were looking for was a big built-up area which they could burn, and that Dresden possessed in full measure. It also said there were barracks, hutted camps, and a munitions storage depot. Voici 70 ans, du 13 au 15 février 1945, la ville de Dresde fut largement détruite par un raid aérien massif de bombardiers anglais et américains. The RAF also had an advantage over the Germans in the field of electronic radar countermeasures. Vonnegut, being American, did not want to write his account in such a way that the whole thing could be blamed on the British. Cependant, ces deux raids n'avaient visé que les banlieues où se trouvaient des usines, et notamment celles … [19], Early in 1945, the German offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge had been exhausted, as was the Luftwaffe's disastrous New Year's Day attack involving elements of 11 combat wings of its day fighter force. c) un document de 101 pages (Helmut Schnatz) sur les attaques de civils à la mitrailleuse depuis des avions à basse altitude, attaques dont la réalité est alléguée et non prouvée, aucune découverte archéologique de balles de calibre 50 -12,7mm- près de l'Elbe, par exemple, n'ayant été faite. [124] The society is committed to reconstructing the historic city centre as much as possible. "Je sais que la destruction d’une ville aussi grande et splendide à cette étape avancée de la guerre a été jugée inutile même par un grand nombre de personnes qui admettaient que nos attaques précédentes étaient aussi justifiées que toutes les autres opérations de guerre. The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing. Du 13 au 15 février 1945 suivant le plan « Bomber Harris* » du boucher Harris les bombardiers de la Royal Air Force et de l’U.S. Grands hôpitaux de Dresde : Stadtkrankenhaus Friedrichstadt, Stadtkrankenhaus Dresden-Johannstadt, Klinik St. Joseph Stift, Krankenhaus Carolahaus (1878). ph, bombardement lysekrone 2/1, hængelampe, reserveret reserveret reserveret bombardement lysekrone i meget pÆn stand, flot stel, og med glas der er flotte og intakte ingen fejl. Le phosphore blanc fut largement crédité par les Alliés d'avoir empêché de nombreuses attaques de l'infanterie allemande et d'avoir créé de gros dégâts dans les troupes ennemies lors de la dernière partie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. I'm a historian. 125 relations. Endelig har det været at Dresden var uden militær betydning. Une estimation à 250 000 morts a été avancée par les Soviétiques. The Polish Government ordered the pilots to follow their orders and fly their missions over Dresden, which they did. Les commémorations des bombardements de 1945 l’ont une nouvelle fois prouvé. La ville (629 713 habitants en 1939) comprenait en effet plusieurs gares et centralisait des réseaux téléphoniques vitaux pour le front de l'Est ; en raison des circonstances, elle aurait été intégrée tardivement au projet opération Thunderclap (de) en août 1944 qui proposait originairement de frapper Berlin[5] de manière décisive[6]. A British charity, the Dresden Trust, was formed in 1993 to raise funds in response to the call for help, raising £600,000 from 2,000 people and 100 companies and trusts in Britain. [39] It said that there were 110 factories and 50,000 workers in the city supporting the German war effort at the time of the raid. Ostensibly, Britain had learned this after the Coventry Blitz, when loss of this crucial infrastructure had supposedly longer-lasting effects than attacks on war plants. The USAFHD report states that Dresden was protected by anti-aircraft defences, antiaircraft guns, and searchlights, under the Combined Dresden (Corps Area IV) and Berlin (Corps Area III) Luftwaffe Administration Commands. [86][87] Another report on 3 April put the number of corpses recovered at 22,096. [127][128], The bombing of Dresden remains controversial and is subject to an ongoing debate by historians and scholars regarding the moral and military justifications surrounding the event. [7], As far as Dresden being a militarily significant industrial centre, an official 1942 guide described the German city as "... one of the foremost industrial locations of the Reich," and in 1944, the German Army High Command's Weapons Office listed 127 medium-to-large factories and workshops that supplied materiel to the military. [12] Some, mostly in the German far-right, refer to the bombing as a mass murder, calling it "Dresden's Holocaust of bombs". The high explosives were intended to rupture water mains and blow off roofs, doors, and windows to create an air flow to feed the fires caused by the incendiaries that followed. President Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945), British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin (1878-1953)met at Yalta in the USSR and compromised on their visions of the postwar world. Bacchus sur un âne ivre, œuvre de Georg Wrba[48]. Dresde 1945: 3760207260085: Books - Amazon.ca. [158] In 2010, several demonstrations by organizations opposing the far-right blocked a demonstration of far-right organizations. ... How much guilt does this parasite not bear for all this, which we owe to his indolence and love of his own comforts. The inquiry concluded that by the presence of active German military units nearby, and the presence of fighters and anti-aircraft within an effective range, Dresden qualified as "defended". De plus, la ville était appelée par la propagande « Lazarett-Stadt » (la ville-hôpital) avec 22 hôpitaux, des écoles et bâtiments publics convertis pour soigner les blessés du front, ayant été ajoutés aux grands hôpitaux[16] de la ville. Ici, je dirai seulement que l'attaque de Dresde était à l'époque considérée comme une nécessité militaire par des personnes beaucoup plus importantes que moi." Sixty bombed Prague, dropping 153 tons of bombs, while others bombed Brux and Pilsen. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Dans la nuit du 13 au 14 février 1945, la ville de Dresde est victime du plus brutal bombardement aérien de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (à l'exception de Tokyo, Hiroshima et Nagasaki). Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. I cannot forget these terrible details. [7] These factories manufactured fuses and bombsights (at Zeiss Ikon A.G.),[138] aircraft components, anti-aircraft guns, field guns, and small arms, poison gas, gears and differentials, electrical and X-ray apparatus, electric gauges, gas masks, Junkers aircraft engines, and Messerschmitt fighter cockpit parts. (, This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 16:07. As a large city and industrial centre, Hamburg's shipyards, U-boat pens, and the Hamburg-Harburg area oil refineries were attacked throughout the war. [91] The city authorities did not distinguish between residents and refugees when establishing casualty numbers and "took great pains to count all the dead, identified and unidentified". 93% (33 votes) Votez cet article . The bombing of Dresden was a British-American aerial bombing attack on the city of Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony, during World War II.In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city. The first was on 2 March 1945, by 406 B-17s, which dropped 940 tons of high-explosive bombs and 141 tons of incendiaries. We saw the burning street, the falling ruins and the terrible firestorm. [2] An estimated 22,700[3] to 25,000[4] people were killed. Il détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde, dans le cadre d'un bombardement combiné en bomber stream. La réalité a dû être encore plus dure. From February 4 to February 11, the Big Three Allied leadersU.S. It was argued that area bombing intended to disrupt communications and destroy industrial production. The lead aircraft of the major enemy bomber forces have changed course and are now approaching the city area".[79]. De var, af Røde Kors, blevet forsikret om, at de ville være i sikkerhed, selv mens de jødiske generaler planlagde at myrde mændene. In the midst of winter with refugees pouring westward and troops to be rested, roofs are at a premium, not only to give shelter to workers, refugees, and troops alike, but to house the administrative services displaced from other areas. Således forløb det i Dresden, et historisk tysk kulturelt centrum, hvor mange tusinde tyske kvinder, børn og flygtninge fra kommunismen havde samlet sig. Elles peuvent être employées pour nettoyer une zone, par exemple à des fins de déforestation du camp ennemi, comme ce fut le cas lor… Cependant trois ans plus tard, il considérait les puissances occidentales comme seules responsables du bombardement criminel de Dresde qui ne répondait à aucune nécessité militaire. Annoncer med Bombardement på DBA. A Dresden police report written shortly after the attacks reported that the old town and the inner eastern suburbs had been engulfed in a single fire that had destroyed almost 12,000 dwellings. [94] Goebbels is reported to have wept with rage for twenty minutes after he heard the news of the catastrophe, before launching into a bitter attack on Hermann Göring, the commander of the Luftwaffe: "If I had the power I would drag this cowardly good-for-nothing, this Reich marshal, before a court. Februar 1945", Air operations during the Battle of Europe, Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, Rape during the Soviet occupation of Poland, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II&oldid=994797400, History of the Royal Air Force during World War II, World War II strategic bombing of Germany, Aerial operations and battles of World War II by town or city, Germany–United Kingdom military relations, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from November 2013, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 7 aircraft (1 B-17 and 6 Lancasters, including crews), Military units and anti-aircraft defences were sufficiently close that it was not valid to consider the city "undefended.". [66][67] The remaining 115 bombers from the stream of 431 misidentified their targets. If, however it is also a startling one, this is probably less the result of widespread understanding of the nuance of international law and more because in the popular mind 'war criminal', like 'paedophile' or 'terrorist', has developed into a moral rather than a legal categorisation". There were follow-up newspaper editorials on the issue and a longtime opponent of strategic bombing, Richard Stokes MP, asked questions in the House of Commons on 6 March.[104][105]. [52], The main bomber force, called Plate Rack, took off shortly after the Pathfinders. According to Dr. Gregory Stanton, lawyer and president of Genocide Watch: ... every human being having the capacity for both good and evil. [42] Colonel Harold E. Cook, a US POW held in the Friedrichstadt marshaling yard the night before the attacks, later said that "I saw with my own eyes that Dresden was an armed camp: thousands of German troops, tanks and artillery and miles of freight cars loaded with supplies supporting and transporting German logistics towards the east to meet the Russians".[43]. Grierson answered that the primary aim was to attack communications to prevent the Germans from moving military supplies, and to stop movement in all directions if possible. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Guerre, Crimes de guerres, Guerre mondiale. Around 78,000 dwellings had been completely destroyed; 27,700 were uninhabitable, and 64,500 damaged but readily repairable. Stort udvalg af Bombardement til billige priser. [7] By this stage in the war both the British and the Germans had integrated air defences at the national level. Sont accessibles principalement[42] le rapport final (Abschlussbericht) sur Internet; le projet Mathildenstrasse, étude d'une rue-témoin du centre-ville[43], et l'ouvrage publié par l'Institut Hannah Arendt de Dresde. Ainsi la RAF ne disposait même pas de carte précise de la ville. It is not possible to describe! The Eighth Air Force had already bombed the railway yards near the centre of the city twice in daytime raids: once on 7 October 1944 with 70 tons of high-explosive bombs killing more than 400,[46] then again with 133 bombers on 16 January 1945, dropping 279 tons of high-explosives and 41 tons of incendiaries.