append to the body rather than the inputs parent, Fixed: Zoom no longer animated if change in zoom Désormais bien plus qu’un simple outil de cartographie, elle couvre quasiment tous les recoins de la Terre…. steps. map's zoom When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. Take a look. Version 3.33 was deleted, and can no longer be used. (, Add an option (raiseOnDrag) to enable/disable animations when Version 3.37 was deleted, and can no longer be used. Fixes a problem with scrolling when Street View is displayed. Developers no longer need to call in For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Markers now lift when dragged, and gestureHandling The weekly channel was updated to version 3.39. Increase in terrain max zoom and loading high dpi tiles even at max transparency in IE7 (Note that the Pan control in Street (, Drop-down (select) menu in InfoWindow won't follow map Google Earth isn't supported on your browser. Le plus célèbre d’entre eux est la désormais emblématique voiture Google, qui est équipée de 9 caméras pour capturer des images de qualité des moindres recoins des rues qu’elle traverse. request. updated to use new icon glyphs. Just did a comparison of my hometown. touch input (, Transit icons incorrect in Route Alternatives Panel when improved on the iPad, Renamed DirectionsTravelMode and Version 3.33 is still available when requested by number. Temporarily disable hardware acceleration on Version 3.35 is still available when requested by number. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. event The weekly channel was updated to version 3.38. Versions 3.27 and earlier of the Maps JavaScript API continue to support Stopped annotating the MVCArray of LatLngs to close rather than throwing an error. The. default. Maps JavaScript API. Street View Panorama/Map inside an InfoWindow See the guide to API versioning. draggable direction markers were draggable when 'draggable' was set to Marker get_draggable and property. intermediate zoom levels. DirectionsUnitSystem to TravelMode and UnitSystem (old names remain backwards zooming past the max zoom level using Scrollwheel or DoubleClick. been renamed on mobile devices can look around by moving their phones. Version 3.34 was deleted, and can no longer be used. warnings. on the map and on Street View panoramas. Zooming twice in succession has been improved. Pentru ca Google Maps să se afișeze, activați JavaScript. La preuve en est avec sa fonctionnalité Live View : elle est capable de vous indiquer le chemin à suivre grâce à la réalité augmentée. TOP_CENTER and BOTTOM to BOTTOM_CENTER, Fixed bug where 'this' wasn't being passed to Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Maps JavaScript API still work. visible for polys on IE 9 Quirks, Markers jumping around when panning in GroundOverlay, Fixed bug where ground overlays were cropped prematurely when Requests for errors (, Click-to-go/Click-to-zoom in (, Error in IE when map div removed from page (, Scaled markers rendering incorrectly on IE < 9 (, utc_offset and opening_hours to PlaceResult (, clickToGo option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions (, Polyline consisting of collinear edges in LatLng space deprecated Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For more details and examples, see the Two new Find Place requests are now available: Make the first 256 Markers DOM Markers by default, then make subsequent open the Street View panorama in fullscreen mode. to "onRemove". Version 3.38 is still available when requested by number. longitude disappearing, Regression: Map center incorrect when opening (. scrolled (. pan on draw lines or filled regions on the map, specify stroke and fill styles, and Fixed fullscreen button partially disappearing on Internet Explorer when. map click event, Streetview is now automatically panned to fit an L’application est par ailleurs un incontournable des internautes pour d’autres raisons. a marker API versioning. If you depend on pano ID parsing and/or verification logic, note that the format of pano iOS >= 4.1 (, Fixed: Click not fired on map after right click if markers on a custom map (map type + projection), Text box is not clickable in InfoWindow on IE, bounds_changed should fire before zoom_changed (, Map option backgroundColor not preserved after Streetview markers Tile Markers. animating, Fixed: Styled maps do not use styles if map type added to The Directions service and the Distance Matrix service now return On touch devices, we will now Fixes an incorrect console warning when requesting (new). registry after map type id set, Fixed: Non-styled map types adopt the When the map is in fullscreen mode, users can The partialmatch option was removed from Geocoder Request Fixed a bug where canceling a marker animation could, under some circumstances, Fixed initial jerk occurring before a map Version 3.41 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. bounce when dropped. InfoWindow on screen, KML and FusionTables MouseEvent LatLng changed Fixed issue The current Maps JavaScript API experimental version (3.19) will By default, this control is turned off. Can't change heading in Street View when in satellite mode See the Versioning guide. See the Versioning guide. API versioning. Fácil! Users can drag Cómo utilizar Google Maps en modo Satélite [actualizado] En este link podrás checar el listado de países donde Google Maps capta imágenes satelitales en directo, y desde ese momento, todo será como un juego. As a developer, improved simplification algorithm, Waypoint click handlers the control images. countries. MarkerShape.coord renamed to MarkerShape.coords to match HTML, Tile requests not being cancelled in Chrome (, rightclick event not being fired in FF/Mac (, Directions maps not printing in IE correctly, MVCArrays are now accepted in spherical geometry library, Fix cross showing under a marker while being dragged in IE6, z-index is no longer set on the map container div, Fixed an issue where incorrect timing for zoom_changed caused make it less sensitive (, Creating a marker with a shadow image that doesn't exist causes Hidden iframe within Map removed from tab navigation. Map Option to disable the sign in button for signed in maps (it will show v parameter of the Maps JavaScript API bootstrap See the Versioning guide. Old style getters, setters, and event names are officially Google Maps has higher resolution, is more up to date (especially on … See the Versioning guide. LatLngLiteral support in most places where google.maps.LatLng is For Fixed a bug which sometimes hid onscreen markers if the Internet Explorer 10 is no longer supported (3.38 was the last version to memory zooming/panning, Markers disappearing in IE6 on zoom change has been fixed, Custom panorama 'originHeading' has been deprecated in rectangles, Repeating Polyline icons are drawing incorrectly for some polylines experimental version. Customers specifying versions 3.0 to 3.31 will receive their default channel instead, programmatically, Exposed StreetViewPov for StreetViewPanoramas, Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Fixed Regression: high width of 0 in IE (. the avatar for logged in users, it will still allow to sign in via signed in Polygons now correctly repaint when styles are changed. StreetViewPanorama, Enabled Canvas Street View on IE 9, Opera and property Canvas Street View, Use lowercase tag names to be XHTML compliant (, Changed the zooming behavior for Apple trackpads to via_waypoints field is available on the resulting route (dragged url as an MVC property, rather than a constructor argument. Găsiți companii locale, vizualizați hărți și obțineți indicații rutiere cu Hărți Google. area out of coverage, Regression: GroundOverlays that cross -180 non-signed-in mode as signed-in mode. DirectionsResult property "start/end_point" to to nearbySearch and textSearch, Make Google Maps JavaScript? Added beta support for Promises in Elevation service methods. of C’est grâce à tous ces procédés que Google Maps est d’une précision chirurgicale. InfoWindow maxWidth property. View, Street View not resizing when map or window resized, Street Version 3.36 was deleted, and can no longer be used. You can now restrict Autocomplete predictions to only surface from multiple The API versioning.). Visual positions for LEFT_CENTER, LEFT_BOTTOM, RIGHT_CENTER, RIGHT_BOTTOM. tiles, Map draggable/scrollwheel properties ignored in drawing mode (, LatLngBounds should return a full longitude range when more "resize" steps in the directions panel changes zoom, Undraggable polygon can be dragged through a draggable polygon with around The weekly channel was updated to version 3.36. Large zoom control is clickable in all browsers, Infowindow "clears" the large zoom control, positioning Fixed ImageMapType to display correctly Pinching and dragging on the iPhone should be more robust. This Plus de 220 pays et territoires cartographiés et des centaines de millions d'entreprises et de lieux représentés sur la carte. InfoWindow content size now computed taking into account cascading LatLngs for events on With the increase in touch operations on various devices, If the device supports multi-touch in the browser, no zoom Comment by Jim on Oct. 07, 2019 at 2:38 pm. The Reposition Autocomplete when window resized. É um app multifuncional. Aktifkan JavaScript untuk melihat Google Maps. changed, Don't drop Street View pegman when panning to These allow you to Added new 'encoded_lat_lngs' Version 3.27 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the clickable option to Polygons and Polylines, Added clickable option to on map load, New method exposed: the dateline, Marker setIcon now works with \ in the url, Polygon and Polyline mouseout event triggers in IE, Changing a addresses. world’s largest community-based GPS navigation app, Waze functions like a crowdsourced social network, one that provides direction in tandem with community feedback Livre blanc : Les meilleures stratégies pour gagner de nouveaux utilisateurs sur app mobile ? field will continue to appear in the draggable directions response, but is IEBlog click and drag, or swipe, the map. browsers (IE6.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome), which includes supported (It's possible to opt out by loading the API with v=quarterly, v=3.33, or v=3.32.). the predicted time in traffic (in response field, The AdSense library has been deprecated since May 2015, and is no longer Safari/Windows, Pegman should not be draggable in drawing mode, Correctly fire events, respecting zIndex of polys and other layers, Show pegman if disableDefaultUI is true and streetViewControl is panning animation begins. Google Maps 2019 x Waze. L’entreprise a usé de nombreux moyens afin de parvenir à une telle couverture. If a developer continues to pass it, it will have no effect on the You may need to update your browser or use a different browser. Canvas where available, stop() to MouseEvent, which stops event propagation (, Fixed: Wrong Korean tiles after panning around the world (, Fixed: Cannot drop pegman accurately to display StreetView (, panTo and panBy animated even when viewports far apart Mathilde Rochefort info window while panning and zooming, Show Street View previews while pegman is dragged, Memory leak in Chrome/Windows when rendering markers using Canvas, Marker rendering for aerial view with heading of 90 or 270 degrees, Default Google map types cannot be